Media Group Pte Ltd
d+a (Design and Architecture) Magazine Subscription
d+a is a Singapore-based title established in 2001.
Starting In 2025, d+a will publish 2 issues per year (bi-annual) every Apr & Oct respectively. The magazine have a digital presence too. Advocates of good design and architecture in Asia and Southeast Asia, we also champion Asian designers who are either trailblazing or up-and-coming. Our excellent relationship with the design and architecture community means we are among the first to publish newly-completed projects, and find out how they are done. These we curate to ensure that they are designed with purpose and intention to have a positive imprint on the built environment. Through in-depth features, we analyse the trends, technologies and ideas sweeping across the industry and their implications on the ecosystem.
Connect with us on our website, Facebook, and Instagram page.
For any enquiries, email us at subscription@media-group.com.sg or call us at +65 6446-6888.